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At 3.43.
At the end very of the movie ( don t know exact min ) the lead actress knees a spy in the groin. Visible knee. Good reaction.
The incredibly sexy
Sommerfield jams a gun between a guy's legs under a restaurant table
and infoms him that she'll shoot his dick off if he says one word.
A gunshot to the groin at 1.26h
Around 1.21.00 min tjere is a fight in the police station and policewomen kick the other cop hard in the groin. It s onscreen but in a dark mode. Good reaction but quick
Zee tv show, In first episode, sonia kneed a man in balls at 13 min
In 4th episode at end....the hot sonia balani back kick a guy balls and front kick another guy....great!!!
A girl wearing part of a bear costume kicks the school bully. He falls to the ground. Later she tries to kick an attacker, but misses. The attempted kick isn't that good. Her shoe flies off and isn't even close. Clip (bear costume clip): http://femdomspace.com/videos/play/femdomspace/7244/detention-2011-fake-groin-kick-by-brunette-teen
She also kicks the murderer in the first half (first kick misses, but second connects) in total there are 4 kicks... only 2 succeed
Season 1 episode 2 about 9 minutes in (Zea) and Nate (Jones) are in a hot tub. When he climbs in she reaches out and grabs his crotch through his swim trunks. Nice grab by hot actress.
At the Eden club when Connor fights Tracy, she is over him and he pushes her away. While falling she swings her leg in an axe kick motion and if you fail the QTE she hits him directly in his android balls with her heel. She looks pretty good and is wearing almost nothing since she is a stripper. https://youtu.be/OOMrvIM_5YE?t=68 happens at around 1:08 in this video