Displaying all entries that begin with letter "d"

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Day and Night (dance routine) Actress: billie piper Type: walk over
In the live dance routine of Day and Night at the beginning of the second verse, billie walks over the crotch of one of the male dancers lying on the floor two different live versions can be found on youtube
Posted: 02/14/2010 Source: Other Year: 2000 Update
Day of the Panther Actress: Type: Knee
Woman being raped tricks rapist into believing she's enjoying it before kneeing him...
Posted: 02/08/2010 Source: Movie Year: 1988 Update
Day Watch Actress: Mariya Poroshina Type: Kick
Russian vampire movie, about half-way through a very good looking blonde woman attacks 2 guys. she headbutts one and then lands the point of her boot in the balls of the other. it's not a great angle but the actress looks great.
Posted: 10/16/2007 Source: Movie Year: 2006 Update
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPHKkewD1G0 music video by Daya, she kicks a male in the balls at 2:06 (kind of a weak kick) but she strips all the other men off to treat them like sex obects
Posted: 06/10/2018 Source: Other Year: 2016 Update
"Give youth." television series. Strikes occur on the street, in the entrance. 35 ep (4:35, 5:30), 36 ep (3:00), 39 ep (17:50), 51 ep (12:40), 54 ep (12:10), 159 ep (11:30), 101(102) ep (11:30 13:50), 111 (2:15). "Даёшь молодёжь!" телесериал. Удары происходят на улице, в подъезде. В основном бьет своего парня(Ржавый) в пах, иногда его друга(Башка). актриса Евгения Крегжде
Posted: 02/13/2019 Source: TV Show Year: 2009 Update
Days of our Lives Actress: Type: Knee
19th April 2019. Cute girl knees a guy at night outdoors and then runs away.
Posted: 05/27/2019 Source: TV Show Year: UNKNOWN Update
Days of Our Lives Actress: Type: Knees
The knee with her in the pink dress is from 7-19-19 The knee from her in the blue dress is 06-17-20, and has a verbal later on.
Posted: 07/17/2020 Source: TV Show Year: UNKNOWN Update
Days Of Our Lives Actress: Camila Banus Type: Grab
I did not see the series and I do not speak English. It seems that after having sex, Stefan and Gabi are talking, in one of those typical chats after having sex. It is seen that Stefan says something that Gabi does not like, because she grabs his balls and squeezes them, asking him to beg "por favor", which in English would be "please" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTDkkgtFR9Q
Posted: 09/14/2021 Source: TV Show Year: 2019 Update
days of our lives (soap) Actress: jan Type: kick
Shawn(Jason Cook)is trying to choke jan. Jan pretend that she's out and when Jason let's go of her she back kicks him,plunging her heel and ankles into jason cooks balls and he goes down and lies on a bed holding his jewels. His voice even changes....can be found on youtube under jan kicks shawn in his balls.
Posted: 09/24/2014 Source: TV Show Year: UNKNOWN Update
DC legends of tommorow Actress: Caity lotz Type: kick
at near 33:00 minute she kuck a guy. the bust is clear but a little fast.
Posted: 11/12/2016 Source: TV Show Year: 2016 Update