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German Amateur Trash
Girl delivers a hard kick when i guy trys to check her out
https://youtu.be/6MY2SNPS4og at 0.50 sec
ep 1x03 “Loterie”. In this French series the girl (main character) gives a nice onscreen kick in the balls of a guy, near the beginning. Link:https://youtu.be/Whx-jUvOEaI?t=1182
When Raghuvir Yadav wants to kill an old lady by grabbing her neck,she gives a tight squeeze of his manhood. It's not the TV show. It's a movie released in 2009. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XQlTAULxTc A time stamp would be nice. It happens at 1:28:35 but it was a weak off screen grab, well at least you can hear the crunch sound but goofy reaction from the guy, overall it was lame.
A hot babe hits a man in the nuts with a baseball bat. He passes out. Lots of barefoot girls in this scene.
Which Actress?
Another girl also comments that she bets his balls hurt. Clip: http://femdomspace.com/videos/play/femdomspace/146/delinquent-school-girls-groin-strike-and-bb-talk
Dutch girl kicks guy
Dutch flick, near the end there`s an upward stomp, done by the blond heroine with combat boots
At 0h1min she double knees one of her rapists. He falls to the floor in pain.
From 1h13min She decides to get her revenge and seduces one of her attackers, she is rubbing his dick and balls she then slips a thin sharp wire (like fishing line, but metal) down around his nuts and snaps her hand back taking control, threatening and teasing him, she makes him bark like a dog. Then she gets mad and pulls as hard as she can cutting his balls off. Then kills him with a knife.
Sandra Bullock is being held up in the
air by her neck by a thug, then she kicks out her boot with a very nice
view and nails his nuts! Then, she delivers 2 more kicks in a row.
Afterwards, Sylvester asks her where she learned to do that. She says
'Jackie Chan movies'. Link: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=znlFT6owIYg
The mayor, a sexy older woman
threatens her yes men that 'if she goes down, I'm taking you down as
well with my fingernails in your balls.' She shows off her hands with
long red fingernails to prove her point. Nicole Eggert is an undercover
cop wearing leather pants and gets captured by the bad biker gang. She
resists by kicking one of them in the groin 2 times from the front and
as she turns around, she back kicks him a 3rd time. Later, as the
Demolitionist, in tight futuristic armor, they show her in a fight against
3 would be rapists in the form of their shadows cast on a wall where
she front kicks one of them. CLIP: The Demolitionist 1995 ballbusting scenes: http://youtu.be/-F_ILIEBk8w
CLIP: http://femdomspace.com/videos/play/femdomspace/38732/the-demolitionist-1995-bb-scenes