In episode 5 very good onscreen knee by hot girl at 1:25:00.
Russian TV-series. Two girls and a man are inside the prison. The man is going to rape one of the girls - and she kicks him in the balls very hard! Bust at 11min23sec.
Turkish series also known as Hear Me. S1E1, knee by hot school girl (Aydogan) at 57min54sec. Link:
Knee in episode 2 (1h45min09sec)
Kick in episode 3 by a very hot girl. Link: (29min21sec).
Knees in episode 17 (1h10min28sec) and 18 (1h34min25sec). The first is a very good onscreen knee.
Link for E17:
Link for E18:
Karate girls episode 5girls kick guys balls twice after 26 minutes it was front kick onscreen nice reaction you can watch Amazon mini prime ..!
Gina Lombardi (voiced by Mastronardi) fights a nazi thug who is shooting at Indiana Jones (voiced by Baker). She ducks the attack and give him a solid kick to his balls, later she pushes him to fall from the ship. It happens in the Himalaya section of the game. Later, in the Sukhothai section, Gina is abducted by the nazis and confronted by Voss (voiced by Gravillis). Then, she gives a great kick to his nazi balls. (3h29min40sec; 4h55min54sec)
In episode 03 she attempts a sneakered kick her trainer during a fast sequence @ about 5 minutes in. Later in security style boots she fights 3 guys and stomps one in the groin till he passes out at 46 minutes. In ep 08 she attempts another groin kick in a parking garage but the guy is a better fighter. In ep 09 she kicks a guy leg out causing him to do a split. Later, same ep, she kicks a guy in the groin from behind, then turns him around to knee him in the groin as well. Don't have time stamp