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During a flashback of trish with the mcmahons. Trish has Vince on his back with his legs spread. She holds his legs apart. Yelling at him, he's begging ger not to. She stomps on his wide open crotch. She's in tight purple pants, and lots of boob cleavege. She had a good feud with vince and his hot daughter. She had several low blows in her wrestling career.
Posted: 12/17/2016 Source: Wrestling Year: 2003 Update
trisha illa nayantara Actress: unknown Type: knee
The lead actress that plays aditi knees gv prakash kumar in his nuts in one of the songs in the second half of the movie
Posted: 02/07/2016 Source: Movie Year: 2015 Update
Indian Tamil movie.She knees Her boyfriend in the balls in dakalti video song. LINK:http://cooltamil.net/tamil-new-movie-online/trisha-illana-nayanthara-video_35aaf6489.html second video @ 1.03.35
Posted: 10/11/2015 Source: Movie Year: 2015 Update
Triunfo del amor Actress: Dorismar Type: Kick
https://youtu.be/54NM_74u5X8 at 6:25. A woman is being assaulted by 2 bad guys. One of them grabs her from behind. The other guy tries to take her bag, but she kicks him in his poor nuts. Girl is latin, she's very pretty.
Posted: 01/14/2022 Source: TV Show Year: 2010 Update
Triunfo del Amor Actress: Susana Diazayas Type: Knee
I think it's chapter 111. A man tries to abuse this pretty female. She defends herself giving him a fast knee. Poor reaction, please check the clip, but I think she knees his balls. It's dark and you can't appreciate it. https://youtu.be/tSOLQNwKkO4
Posted: 03/20/2022 Source: TV Show Year: 2010 Update
Trojan War Actress: Type: Dog bite
This is actually a dog bite to the crotch but it's sexy because three really hot chicks witness and kind of laugh. It shows a close up of their faces after the guy gets bitten. This is at the very end of the movie. FYI, Jenifer Love Hewitt is in the movie but she is not one of the chicks. Clip: http://femdomspace.com/videos/play/femdomspace/12074/trojan-war-1997-dog-bites-balls-scene
Posted: 03/01/2013 Source: Movie Year: 1997 Update
Troll 2 Actress: Connie Young Type: Knee
The movie pretty much sucks!!! How ever at the beggining of the movie, theres the girl lifting weigths and the boyfriend scares him. She (very sexy) knees him in the nuts and the complains. VERY GOOD KNEE Horrible movie
Posted: 04/10/2006 Source: Movie Year: 1990 Update
Trollhunters Actress: Claire Type: Kick
S1E25 A Night to Remember Time 11,10 Claire is fighting against Angor Rot with Toby, she is in difficult, so Toby hit Angor Rot with some bricks, he got distracted and Clair kick him right in the Grogknacks (balls) with the right foot, good reaction, pretty sexy
Posted: 01/04/2017 Source: Cartoon Year: 2016 Update
Troma's War Actress: Type: knee
1. Scene where a hot blonde shoots a guy in his groin with a crossbow type weapon as revenge for him raping her and giving her AIDS. 2. Knee scene from a Latina woman who knees an enemy terrorist(not very good) Clip 1 (crossbow): http://femdomspace.com/videos/play/femdomspace/4323/tromas-war-ballbusting-shot-in-balls-scene-1 Clip 2 (knee): http://femdomspace.com/videos/play/femdomspace/4324/tromas-war-ballbusting-knee-scene-2
Posted: 10/14/2012 Source: Movie Year: 1988 Update
Tromeo and Juliet Actress: Type: Squeeze
The girls brother tries to get with her by putting her hand on his balls, so she decided to give it a vicious squeeze. Pretty decent. https://tubitv.com/movies/655407/tromeo-and-juliet
Posted: 03/25/2022 Source: Movie Year: 1996 Update