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86 mins - During fight in an apartment woman in cocktail dress gives a rather lame knee to bad guy.
A character played by Joan Rivers pours (on purpose) some hot coffee on Krusty the clown's crotch
http://wtso.tv/movie/513-2308_The_TenPerCent_Solution.html at 9:40
Rather funny for a cartoon
9:40 into the episode Bart is in juvie as punishment and touches a fence, an imprisoned girl on the other side threatens him with a knife saying if he touches the fence again he will have a very boring puberty. Then at 12:20 while dancing with the same girl she knees him in the balls when he tells her he doesn't think she's pretty.
Ep. 19. Ja Jittapa Jampatom knees Louis Scott in the groin. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtLOLg4vYuI (ballbusting scene after 42m30s).
At about 1:21 (video), the girl elbows Antonio Banderas in the stomach, then turns around and kicks his balls. Nice onscreen kick, with a pretty decent reaction. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EolQSTTTpI4
S01E12, around 25 minutes. Carmela Soprano (Edie Falco) says to her husband: "What am I, a fucking idiot? If i had an ounce of self- respect, I would cut your dick off!"
Season 4, episode 12, around 46 minutes in. An old lady named Minn Matrone (Fran Anthony) kneeds a mobster in the groin to escape.
Wife knees husband balls at 01:02:49 second later fee seconds later she grab his balls when he hold her from behind. Grab is offscreen
Mila kunis punches Justin therox in the balls near end of film