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(Anime) - "An offscreen kick by an imposter queen. She kicks Gieve when he calls her on her identity. It is offscreen but she is very angry and he shows reaction."
Eng.Dub (30:00) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r54YWwixKnY
At 47 seconds of this video, the hot actress Paola Oliveira elbows hard a fat man in the nuts. Ouch, great elbow!!!!!! The link to this video is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tey15O1-AV8
At 19 seconds of this video, the hot actress Paola Oliveira knees hard your womanizer boss in the nuts, after he staggers in pain. Ouch, great knee.
The link of this video is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAcnf4v3kE0
SoftPorno Brazilian movie. Six women decide to "geld" his former lover because he has deceived them. They cut his pants and threat to cut his cock.
You can see this scene in http://pegapracapar.tumblr.com/post/111860092520/video-in-portuguese-softporno-brazilian-movie
Which Actress? What Happened?
Kick @17 minutes and punch @20 minutes of the 6th episode by Jones,
At 13:35 in ep 7, Delorenzo is on the ground and delivers an upward stomp to a military guy standing above her. She then says, "Haha. Yes!"
Kick @17 minutes and punch @20 minutes of the 6th episode by same actress
S2 episode 2 "The Morgue" Kellys beats up a cop who is harassing her. He grabs her by the throat and pushes her against a vending machine so she gives him a vicious onscreen knee to the balls. There is little time for reaction though as she quickly knocks him out. Great show about (16 minutes in).
Ep. 3 "Last Call" a teenage kid is in the back seat of Ash's car when his girlfriend is suddenly possess she aggressively tries to go down on him then bites his dick off. 5 minutes in.
S2 ep 1 about 4 minutes in a posessed chick grabs Pablo by the balls and throws him by them while shouting balls to the wall. Very little reaction though.