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Afwaah Actress: Bhumi Type: Knee verbal
Bhumi knees a guy saying she will bust his balls
Posted: 07/04/2023 Source: Movie Year: 2023 Update
Against the ropes Actress: Caraly Sanchez Type: Kick
Season 1 episode 5 @10:30
Posted: 05/30/2023 Source: TV Show Year: 2023 Update
Against The Wall Actress: Rachael Carpani Type: Grab
Season 1 Episode 3 - 34 mins..Quick close up grab of sexually harassing detective then occasional wince on his face in ensuing talking to as Anne emphasises her point. Clip: http://femdomspace.com/videos/play/femdomspace/574/against-the-wall-s01e03-anne-caribini-squeezing-nuts-scene
Posted: 03/17/2013 Source: TV Show Year: 2011 Update
age of barbarian Actress: Type: castration
a video game. sexy amazon warrior sheena castrate her opponents. you can do it with controller when play as sheena
Posted: 04/06/2023 Source: Other Year: UNKNOWN Update
age of barbarian Actress: Type: castration
a video game. sexy amazon warrior sheena castrate her opponents. you can do it with controller when play as sheena. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvYV878vUJE @1:23 and @2:00
Posted: 04/06/2023 Source: Other Year: UNKNOWN Update
Age of Consent Actress: Helen Mirren Type: offscreen knee
A young Helen Mirren knees a guy on a boat and pushes him into the water. Nothing great but you get to see Helen Mirren topless throughout the movie and that sure aint a bad thing.
Posted: 01/29/2011 Source: Movie Year: 1969 Update
Agent Carter Actress: Hayley Atwell Type: Verbal
Here is the link to a video where Hayley Atwell admits to kicking balls “I kicked 6 men in the balls.” https://www.whatsontv.co.uk/news/hayley-atwell-i-hurt-quite-a-few-stunt-men-video-160881/
Posted: 02/06/2020 Source: TV Show Year: UNKNOWN Update
Agent Carter Actress: Hayley Atwell Type: Verbal
Hayley Atwell talking about ballbusting for 5 minutes while promoting Agent Carter. https://youtu.be/79X4nzK7rIw
Posted: 04/30/2022 Source: TV Show Year: 2015 Update
Agent Carter: One Shot Actress: Hayley Atwell Type: punch, kick
Hayley Atwell plays Agent Carter in a special tv movie from Marvel. She fights With a few men, she delivers a punch to the balls early on and a kick to the nutsack to a masked man towards the end. here's the kick: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jPSVUxPCmk here's the punch:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICBMQs6s5Ko Your link to the kick is set to private :-(
Posted: 04/07/2016 Source: Other Year: 2013 Update
Agent Cody Banks Actress: Angie Harmon Type: Towel, punch
Angie Harmon's character flicks a towel at a guy's crotch in a locker room early on. then later towards the end of the movie she gives a guy a hammer fist in the nuts and kicks another in the face. Near the end of the film Angie Harmon kicks Arnold Vosloo in the balls, after kicking his ass easily in a fight, not a finger laid on her by Vosloo.
Posted: 07/18/2014 Source: Movie Year: 2003 Update