Displaying all entries that begin with letter "p"

Showing results for page 32

Promising Young Woman Actress: Carey Mulligan Type: verbal
Movie premise is about a woman who trolls skeevy guys by pretending to be drunk, allowing them to take her home, then confronting them when they try to take advantage of her. At 00:54:30, she threatens one of the guys she was going to troll. She tells him that there are lots of other women who do the same thing she does, and that one of them carries scissors. As she says this, she glances down at the guy's crotch meaningfully. The guy gets scared and runs away.
Posted: 03/27/2021 Source: Movie Year: 2020 Update
Prophecy of Love Actress: Unknown Type: Back Kick
https://youtu.be/0Ll5BbepXW0 thai drama. Bust at 3.35
Posted: 05/11/2021 Source: Movie Year: 2020 Update
Proposal, The Actress: Sandra Bullock Type: Verbal
Ryan Reynolds hugs Sandra Block, while he's hugging he touch her ass and she says him if he touch her ass again, she will cut his balls off while he sleeps. Clip: http://femdomspace.com/videos/play/femdomspace/142/the-proposal-with-sandra-bullock-castration-threat
Posted: 09/28/2012 Source: Movie Year: 2009 Update
Russian ballbusting. Episode 18, after 43m 30s. Natalya Kruglova kicks Aleksandr Baranovskiy in the balls. Link: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3jGO7IjtvEo&
Posted: 01/04/2023 Source: TV Show Year: 2010 Update
Prostitution Clandestine Actress: Type: High heel to naked scrotum
Rare for a 35mm film, you see a high heel digging into a masochist's scrotum. It's an incredible scene, now available on Blu-ray.
Posted: 05/02/2021 Source: Movie Year: 1975 Update
Protect the Boss Actress: Choi Kang-hee Type: Knee
S1E1 @ 17:54- The girl confronts a sleezy guy in a restroom, and when he attacks her she counters with a knee to the groin, all while wearing a skirt and heels. Nice bust with good reaction. Available to watch for free with an account at kocowa.com
Posted: 02/07/2023 Source: TV Show Year: 2011 Update
In a Brazilian Soap Opera called "Prova de Amor" (tr. Proof of love) a very hot actress dressed in dominatrix outfit, high heeled black boots knees a bad guy who is trying to rape her. Very good onscreen scene and reaction. After that, she still beats him up and mocks about it. At 2:47, link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tiIEmBOhNeQ
Posted: 10/04/2022 Source: TV Show Year: 2005 Update
Providence (TV) Actress: Type: knee
Bust in the first episode of this show. She and her fiance are in the liveing room argueing after she catches him takeing a shower with another guy. He's wearing a towel and she knees him real good.Any Link????
Posted: 11/14/2011 Source: Movie Year: 1999 Update
Psycho Beach Party Actress: Type: Kick
Lots of bb threats, and at least one sexy kick near the end. The bust in the trailer turns out to be M/M, but there is a good F/M bust near the end and there are several hot threats including one right in the first scene.
Posted: 11/18/2000 Source: Movie Year: 2000 Update
Psycho Brother In-Law Actress: Brittany Falardeau Type: semi-offscreen Knee
Semi-offscreen Knee at 01:21:15
Posted: 04/07/2019 Source: Movie Year: 2017 Update