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Darkly lit kick during an impromptu kung-fu fight in a back alley. Not great. AKA Pieces
Any additional info on the episode for this one? What was the episode about?
Season 2, Episode 12: 3 October 2004.
Poppy (Stacey Cadman) knees Jonathan (Darren Day) in the balls when he tries to take advantage of her. Good reaction from an almost unrecognisable, thuggish Darren Day.
man wants a forced kiss. she defends herself around 52min
Jimmy kimmels wife plays pranks on him while he’s sleeping. Miley jumps on his bed with a wrecking crew singing “wrecking ball” hitting the sledgehammer prop in his bed and nails him in the nuts by mistake miley says “ it is called wrecking balls” then says “I hit him em the balls with a sledge hammer” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NBOT5jigRy4
Woman grabs guys balls with quick close up and tells him to cough.- 29 mins..
Multiple ballbusting scenes in a fight scene by hot korean actress Jo Bo-ah https://youtu.be/nL4eReeEbcg
Richard Norton fights a guy in a room when Yukari comes crashing in through the window, She swings her kanana at him but misses. He tries to kick her but she ducks and Norton realises that she has her katana moving across his crotch. Check their faces .Norton falls to the floor and stays down.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWqXmOUknN0
This is one of the best verbals I have ever seen! A beautiful girl is having lunch with her (geek) friends. Two bullies came up and took away a book from them. She stands up demanding the book. One of them asks in a cocky way: "Or what?"
She says: "Or I'll kick your balls through the roof of your mouth." She even raises her eyebrows while saying this line emphasising it! Very nice!
8 mins in
Series 7, Episode 5: Fiddler on the Hoof. Maltese Tony (Michael Kitchen) is chaperoning an amazing blonde Swedish woman (Ashby) wearing a short skirt, black tights and heels, when he is threatened by two thugs, one white, one black, in a hotel (I think). She kicks out with her foot and catches the black guy (Trevor Thomas) dead in the balls. As he is crouched down in agony she says "It is painful, I think?" I saw it in the 1980s, so not sure how it would rate in this age of youtube, but it was pretty hot at the time. Watch it here on ITV Player (until 10 January 2013 - UK viewers only) https://www.itv.com/itvplayer/minder/series-6/episode-11-fiddler-on-the-hoof
Episode "The Devil Wears Lands' End". Mindy Kaling back-punches a colleague sitting behind her during a presentation. About 3min in