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Kiss and off-screen knee kick. Emma Rigby in a red dress. A few minutes before hitting the conversation. about 38 minutes.
at 28.26 min she kicks the kidnaper hard in the groin while being attach to a chair. good reaction onscreen kick
At around 83 minutes
into the movie Paula (Jacqueline Kim) walks up to the bad guy who has a
gun on her. She offers to make a deal, he refuses, she knocks the gun
out of his hand then levels a hard kick to his nuts. Crappy movie, good
Disguised as a masked burglar, Lacy Lloyd (Mia Zottoli) knees Simon Teller (Justin Carroll credited as Hal Hutton) in the balls. Link: http://video.meta.ua/5327761.video. Occurs at 33:51.
kneed on screen link http://dai.ly/x6itplo
A cop in a Santa suit gets kicked hard by a
high-heeled hooker right at the end of the movie.
Happens around 1 hour 16 minutes 40 seconds
A big fat guy is trying to kidnap a
little boy at a carnival. Patricia comes up to him. He lets the boy go and
she knees him in the balls! He pushes her out of the way to run after
the boy, but he runs with a limp, grabbing his crotch.
Very minor, weak, fake knee in this great old movie that is also known as Fangs and is also known as Snakes. A redneck pushes a hot girl into her brother who accidentally knees him. Not a good scene so skip it.
Alice(Rya Kihlstedt) swings a crowbar at Burton(Lenny von Dohlen) hard in the balls, he falls to his knees in soprano. He says, "you smacked my winky!"
Earl(David Thornton) goes over opens a closet and a boxing glove attached to a spring flies out and hits him in the balls square.