Displaying all entries that begin with letter "b"

Showing results for page 29

Birds of Prey/Harley Quinn Actress: Margot Robbie Type: Shopping cart
I can’t believe this was missed. Sexy Margot Robbie is shopping in a supermarket and says to a kid “I’m going to rob this place”. She proceeds to rush down the aisle at full speed and bangs the shopping cart into a man who tried to stop her right in his groin. She giggles and leaves as he falls down
Posted: 04/01/2020 Source: Movie Year: 2020 Update
Birth Balls Actress: Type: squeeze
Wife squeezes husband (Julian Morris) by the testicles. Link: http://vitaminw.co/culture-society/Funny-Or-Die-birth-balls-parody-video
Posted: 04/15/2017 Source: Other Year: 2013 Update
Birth of the Dragon Actress: Jingjing Qu Type: Baseball / verbal
The beautiful Jingjing Qu hits Billy Magnussen in the balls while he's showing her how to play baseball. She's super hot and there's a scene right afterwards where she's comforting him, using a pressure point in his wrist that helps with pain "down there." Oddly hot couple of scenes, made even better by how beautiful the actress. This movie has a bunch of M/M busts and verbals, but I am glad they managed to get a little bit of F/M bb in there, too.
Posted: 09/12/2017 Source: Movie Year: 2016 Update
Birthday Girl Actress: Nicole Kidman Type: knee
Knee at 38:50 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpsOu12zMLo
Posted: 10/25/2015 Source: Movie Year: 2001 Update
Biser bojane Actress: Andrea Mugoša Type: Knee kick shin
https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8gdoej Amazing scene in this comedy tv show from east europe. 2 guy are kidnapping a mob boss girl and while they try to attach her she kicks and knees one of them numeros times !!! The girl is super hot and the angle is great. She wears a mini skirt and high heels !!! Happen around 27 min
Posted: 07/20/2024 Source: TV Show Year: 2023 Update
Bisharashki v Tailande Actress: Type: Kick
I think this is the movie name "Bisharashki v Tailande" 2024 There is a kick at 1:37 in the trailer. https://youtu.be/pFKaJYYsCqQ?feature=shared
Posted: 03/06/2025 Source: Movie Year: 2024 Update
Bitch Slap Actress: America Olivo Type: Squeeze, clamps
A girl rubs a guys balls, then suddenly starts squeezing so hard that they crush, and blood is on her hands(00:07:30). She later shoots him in the balls(00:10:50). The same actress also attaches electrical clamps to a guys balls when he won't give her information(00:34:36). CLIP: http://www.ballbustingtube.com/video/3910/bitch-slap-scene Clip2 (all 3 scenes): http://femdomspace.com/videos/play/femdomspace/14485/bitch-slap-2009-ballbusting-compilation
Posted: 03/25/2013 Source: Movie Year: 2009 Update
Bitch Slap Actress: America Olivia Type: Squeeze
America Olivia Squeezes a guy's nuts hard out of disgust. Extremely hot Source: https://youtu.be/Xt1oiTRIykc
Posted: 06/09/2020 Source: Movie Year: 2009 Update
BITCH trailer Actress: Marianna Palka Type: grab (offscreen)
in the beginning of the trailer, offscreen grab (i think)
Posted: 07/26/2022 Source: Movie Year: 2017 Update
Bite the Dust Actress: Heather Wake Type: Shovel
At 39:40, she kicks a shovel into a guy's nuts and smirks before doing so, in trailer https://youtu.be/r3NlCZjZ_98?si=uX9bZx43h7EwWysX at 0:47 and behind the scenes https://youtu.be/CDpmCdzsN1s?si=1Qwbwr-4sWbtb1aC
Posted: 01/16/2024 Source: Movie Year: 2023 Update