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Season 7 episode 3: A hot undercover cop squeezes pimps balls and comments about his dick saying: "natural but small"
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7Djx7_w0NU
___________Alternate link: http://femdomspace.com/videos/play/femdomspace/144/the-shield-ball-squeezing-and-taunting
In the pre climax fight gayathri fight a group of policemen, when on guy holds her hands and another run towards her, she kicks and glass breaking sound is heard, serious bust though
Mrinmayee deshpandey is playing vitti dandu(marathi game) in which she flys off the stick called vitti in parabolic path which gets hit straight into the balls of man who is doing toilet nearby...in second scene after her marriage with lead actor in movie...he tries to kiss her in bed at 1st night where she reacts in horrible way she takes him down and gives elbow straight into the balls...
ep3, at exactly 20:43
A guy rushes 2 girls and the perverted Kajo kicks him right in the nutsack. Nice soundeffect/reaction. The shy girl asks if he's okay, and the buster replies: ''Don't worry, I didn't miss his vital areas,''
From the Stephen King miniseries version here is a better description. Rebecca Demornay is cornered by psycho Jack Torrance. As he raises his axe above his head to hit her, she steps forward and delivers a hard kick to his balls to stop him. She is wearing high heeled boots. Very hot
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKyUn6NRKNo (3.00)
Kick from a cute blonde. Bust is in the television miniseries version, not to be confused with the 1980 film directed by Stanley Kubrick.
(Anime) - The main character receives a knee to the balls.
Episode 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hsP_L9xQ8I
A blonde girl is watching two guys fight. When the blonde guy with the beard is about to finish off the good guy, she stands up and asks to fight. As she fights the bad guy strangles her and she fights back with a knee to the balls.
Season 4 Episode 11 (S04e11). At the beginning of the show, Jennifer is referring to the other guys when she says she is going to "kick them in the balls today" It's great!! ---Anyone have a cap? ----
In the song ramba mein samba mature Farah khan kicks a guy who is stopping her by showing his karate skills. She show her skills by kicking his balls .
LINK:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NT67w7PYHB8 @ 2.45