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Knee in episode 9 to a client of the bar where she works.
Season 2, Episode 2, 00:25:30 min. - Kleo (Jella Haase) enters the sauna, points the gun at testicles of a naked man and interrogate him. He doesn't want cooperate. Than she shot near his balls and threatens than she shoot his balls off. He was scared and told her everything.
German TV Show. She hits a guy with a chorizo nunchucks. Maybe more hits in this tv show. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x33k4q4
German TV Show. Grab. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdtZDQI0tiA
Violent Netflix show about the crusades. A young monk is given some food to distribute when a thief runs off with it. He chases and reveals it to be a girl.
Great verbal. when he says he's not taken his vows yet she says "good, that means you still have your balls"
Then knees him. Its offscreen but decent reaction for a moment only.
Season 1. Episode 3. About 13 minutes in
About midway through the film, a guard approaches her as she is sitting in the grass - she exploits his male weakness with a short, swift kick to the gonads. Nice to watch him crumple over her. In the final section of film, she sneaks up on a guard, and when he is helpless on the ground and on his back, she ruthlessly kicks his sack. Also,
at another point, she seems to slash a guard's goodies with her knife...ouch! This film will also appeal to fans of women beating up scores of men. Hopefully will get a DVD release sometime. Two ballbusts here
Total babe Lorenza Izzo gives a quick grab & squeeze to Keanu Reeves’ balls in a bathroom. Together her & Ana De Armas stick their hands in his pants & take them off before all 3 have sex. Happens a little under an hour into the movie
AKA ??? ???????????? . A Russian action movie about a female version of James Bond . At the 56th minute , when the heroine was interrogated on the yacht by the terrorist 's henchmen , one of them hit her in the face .She responded by punching him in the groin with her hands clasped together, snatching his gun from belt holster and shooting all the bad guys. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5a80vUU9L0
kick , Balloon on multiple episode , link http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6ik5lq